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"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." 

Matthew 24:35

Everything is getting old. I was driving by an old building the other day and I noticed a few small cracks in the wall. they were not big and just barely noticeable, but it was a small sign that it was not new. One day that building was new and looked as good as the builders could make it. Jesus has told us that all things will someday pass away. We have seen places that once were grand that now are just a memory. Time waits for no man. You have an eternal soul, that will have a dwelling place. That place can be with God in Heaven! Praise God! Jesus said that His promises are true and that His word is everlasting.  We can have peace with God by trust in Him because He loves us and gave Himself for us by being our sacrifice for our sins.  If you are born into the family of God, remember to calm the promises of God every day. If you have not yet joined the family of God, ask Jesus to forgive your sins and you too can join the family.